Wednesday, 18 July 2007


Finished a book by Stephen Lungu last week. It is so so inspiring and amazing. Called "Out of the black shadows". If you can, get a copy and read it! It's well worth it. Reading it made me think, however, about an issue that has always bothered me and my husband (and many others I'm sure).

Stephen Lungu was leading a rather miserable existence (eating from bins, sleeping under bridges etc.). Eventually he formed a gang and they started with criminal activities - stealing cars, attacking people, stabbing people and even raping women (while the others watched). Amazingly, he was converted to Christianity, and left this lifestyle immediately. Since then he has been a prolific evangelist, sharing his testimony all over the world.

I think that is amazing and wonderful and inspiring, but what about the people that he hurt? What about the people that were stabbed and the women that were raped? How do they put their lives back together? How do they cope with the fear and hurt that these incidents have caused them? I have no doubt that God is gracious and forgiving, and that he has forgiven Stephen Lungu; and that Stephen has more than repented for his sins, plus has done a staggering amount for God in terms of winning souls for Jesus.

What about a mass-rapist and -murderer who gets converted on his death bed? Does he just go to God without any consequences for his actions? Surely there has to be some sort of justice. There is none on earth to speak of, so there must be in heaven, or before heaven, right? Or do you just get forgiven when you repent and then you automatically go to heaven? Somehow it just doesn't seem fair for the victims... What about them? Like in this country do criminals have more rights in heaven than we do?!


LT said...

that is the age old question that never gets a clear answer!!

All that's ever said is. "repent, and your sins will be forgiven" right?

It's one of those things that just gives you an abundance of emotions and then all you're left with is a huge headache.

Anonymous said...

You will drive yourself nuts worrying about things like this Gnome. In my opinion one soul is more than enough to worry about, I can't interfere in other people's life lessons.

Sure...there are people that have done me in. That's between them and God. I take from the experience what I can and move on...and I trust that they will get what they deserve - whatever that may be.

If someone has real regret for what they have done and have every intention never to do something like it again - that has to be enough? Sometimes sorry is all you have to give (when it's genuine, it's very powerful).

St John's/Bethlehem said...

Yeah. You're right LT and Louisa. I should actually not break my head about these things, but sometimes I just can't help it!

Anonymous said...

Tough questions with no simple answers!