Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Judgement Day

I consider myself a rather non-judgemental and accepting person. I always thought I kept a rather open mind about people and rather wanted to get to know them before I made a judgement. But that's actually quite impossible. Regardless of how nice and accepting you are, your evil human mind makes you think things you can't prevent. Even though I'm probably not very vocal about my judgements (that's why I have conned myself and people into believing I am non-judgemental), thoughts involuntarily creep into my mind - sometimes even subconsciously or very subtly that I suppress them.

For example, yesterday I discovered that one of the guys I went to school with (who I thought was definitely into heavy metal and would end up in a computer career, and only marry when he's in his 30's - I'm ashamed I even thought that!) is now a youth pastor and engaged! I saw a picture of him looking all youth-pastorly, captivating people's attention in front of the altar. How could I have gotten it so wrong? Then I think, maybe I didn't - maybe he had a great conversion experience. But then surely I shouldn't have been surprised but given him the benefit of the doubt in the first place.

Maybe I'm just being a bit too hard on myself?


LT said...

waaaaaay too hard on yourself!

I look at some people I haven't seen in x amount of years and all that comes to mind is "NO WAY"

Anonymous said...

Some people change drastically! Long time since you last saw him?

St John's/Bethlehem said...

It's been about 7 years since I last saw him. I think what's bad for me is that I didn't know him at all well and still I made all these assumptions. But it's all just part of being human I guess :-)