Friday, 27 July 2007

The joys of being a woman

I've always been of the opinion that men often have an easier life than women. I'm talking purely from a gender perspective - gender roles and gender-specific characteristics and occurrences. In years gone by, men have had the burden of being the bread-winner, but this is starting to fall by the wayside (even though most men still find it necessary to their well-being to be providing for their women and families).

Instead of the men asking the women out, it is now seen as liberating and desirable (for women) if it happens the other way round. I'm waiting for the day when the woman has to ask her would-be father-in-law (mother-in-law?!) for his (her) son's hand in marriage.

I have to concede - men are getting much better at the whole cooking, cleaning, laundry, parenting deal. Which is great. Now the load is more shared.

Yet still the women have to undergo a whole 9 months of pregnancy (morning sickness and gaining weight and I don't know what else) and the pain of birth. And half of our lives, we have to put up with the joys of periods. Every month. Not to mention period pains (don't even get me started) and the horrific emotional ups and downs that go paired with hormonal changes. Introducing the infamous PMS.

I always thought I never had it as bad as other women (I've heard some stories...). Some women seem to get really angry and irritated; aggro - like you don't want to get in their way. But me, I just get emotional. Down, depressed, teary... Little things upset me and my mind wanders into areas that it would never enter had I not had wonky hormones.


I think I've just convinced myself again that it sometimes sucks being a woman...


LT said...


yeah but men don't get free drinks!!

This will make you smile...

I was the one to propose to my husband!

And he was the one to confirm I was pregnant with DW...

Now how weird is that?? :-p

Unknown said...

how did he confirm THAT?
I took my husband on our first date (I mean, he drove and stuff) but I payed. EVERYTHING.

St John's/Bethlehem said...

I made the first move before we got together. I said: "How do you feel about me?" and he said: "I think you're gorgeous" and the rest is history... :-)
Cool LT and Mrs M.
Also wondering about the confirming you were pregnant deal LT...

Unknown said...

OH MY Word.
My husband said that to me too: I think you're gorgeous. And he still says it!!

St John's/Bethlehem said...

*SIGH* We've got such amazing men Mrs M :-)

LT said...

I took a pregnancy test and left it in the bathroom, I went to watch a movie, to wait for it to show the results, anywhoo completely forgot about it and went to bed, got woken up at 23:45 by hubby saying "erm... I think you want to see this"

So yeah he knew before me...