Monday, 23 July 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Sorry Mrs M - won't give the story away!)

On Saturday morning I rushed to Exclusive Books to get my friend's pre-booked copy of Harry Potter. I was home ten minutes later, reading non-stop (only taking loo breaks occasionally) til the early hours of the morning.

It is seldom that I have lived myself into a story like I have done with Harry Potter (I think many who have read it will agree). I found myself biting my nails, feeling my heart race as the book unfolded in front of my eyes. What I find so fascinating about these books is that JK Rowling has had to know from the very beginning what she wanted to write in the last book. The plot comes together so beautifully in the end. She manages to answer all our pressing questions, yet also keeps some mysteries so that you can use your imagination. I've been reading some of the Harry Potter forums on the Net, and I have to say I am quite shocked. People are literally obsessed. And they want everything that is not clearly explained in the book to be spelt (no pun intended) out for them. I think JK Rowling is nothing short of the brilliant in the way she wants us to use our imagination to figure things out.

Through the series we have literally grown up with Harry (so has Rowling's writing). We started out with Harry the child - and saw how he thought like a child. We moved with him through his stormy teens, and often glimpsed the angry Harry. Lastly, in this conclusion we accompany Harry as he finally comes to terms with his situation and I see him mature greatly towards the end.

Despite many movements in the Christian world about how Harry Potter is evil etc etc, I have come to the conclusion that the Harry Potter story is about love, hope, friendship, sacrifice, faith and trust. Mostly, though, it is about the unimaginable power of love. It has lessons in there that we can all benefit from.

Now, please, SOMEONE I KNOW read the damn thing so I can discuss it with you!!!!


LT said...

I finished!!!!!!

I finished!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooooo glad I'm done.. Audio books take forever!!!!!!

St John's/Bethlehem said...

SO...???? What did you think LT?