Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Random ramble

I've been doing so much blog-hopping today, my eyes are about to go square*. As much as I enjoy not being swamped with work, I really do enjoy having some work to do during the day. At the moment, the ratio of hours that I'm busy to hours that I'm bored is about a 1 : 7.


People have such different styles of blogging. Some talk mostly about themselves and their deeper issues, others like to tackle current events, others still talk about useless crap (there are some hideous blogs out there!), while the rest mix all these up. I think I prefer those that mix up their posts, and don't concentrate only on current events or themselves exclusively. I often enjoy reading blogs where the mix happens in one single post. I like the fact that a post is not only about a single topic**.

I'm wearing a skirt today that has little jingly things on it, so it makes a noise every time I walk. My husband isn't very fond of it. 10 to 1 he thinks the noise is in his head. The skirt has now been baptised as "The Creaky Brain Skirt".

We watched "Hairspray" last night. It was wonderful! I am, however, terribly predisposed towards musicals, having taken part in productions of musicals in high school (albeit only in the orchestra...). But even my rather music-shy husband really enjoyed this one! The music has you bobbing away in your seat, and John Travolta is an absolute scream. Did you know that Nikki Blonsky (she plays the lead, Tracy) worked in an ice-cream store before she landed the big role?

We made budget today. Thanks to our ridiculously high prices no doubt.

*My mom used to tell us that if we watch too much TV our eyes would turn into squares. Now that I think about it, we only got a TV when I was 11... Maybe she was referring to the computer on which we would play prehistoric games on an orange screen...?

**I'm trying it out in this post! Did you notice?