Wednesday, 08 August 2007

Babies babies babies

For those who know me, know that I am a rather notorious kid-disliker. I think it's more of a fear of children than it is a dislike. I've been subjected to some babysitting in my life, and man did I get the bad ones. Kids pulling my hair and throwing me into swimming pools. *SHUDDER* This has given me a rather grim picture of children. I think I missed the whole cute, precious and rewarding bit.

But I seem to be discovering some (very hidden) positive inklings towards children lately. I often find myself looking at kids at church and unexpectedly thinking they are cute. I have even taken to talking to my colleague's two-year-old (he is really very cute), something I would have totally shied away from a while ago.

Maybe it's because I'm married now. Or maybe it's because very good friends of ours are pregnant. I find myself getting really excited for them. I look at baby clothes and imagine a little being in there...

Mmh. Am I getting broody?

Don't worry Mom and Dad, no grand kids coming up any time soon (if we can help it). But I think there might be some a good few years down the line...

1 comment:

LT said...

All I can say is

wait.... wait.... wait... wait... wait..


now I do have one of the good ones (no that's not the ... oh every mother says that), I really do, he sleeps through the night (did from day one), is very independent, not clingy, very friendly, happy kid.

And man do I thank my stars everyday, I could've gotten a hellion I know.. I see my friends kid and wow am I glad they are not mine!!!