Saturday, 25 August 2007

Can't have my cake and eat it

For weeks (maybe even months) I tried to enthuse my husband into reading Harry Potter. He wasn't really interested in that, he said, adding that it was just a children's story. I wanted him to read it because, firstly, I think it's a great story with an excellent story-line, wonderful characters and lessons to be learnt. Secondly, I couldn't stand not being able to talk to him about Harry and friends, especially after reading the 7th book. But after subtle threats and pleading, he finally agreed to read at least the first one*.

But (thanks to J K Rowling's magic writing) he found the first book interesting, and sped through the following 4 books (this was during his holiday, so he had ample time). By the time I had just finished the last book, he was finishing the 5th**.

Since then he has been so busy that Harry Potter has just not been on his to-do list. But last week he finally started the 6th book (after some skilled and subtle coaxing). He was reading a little a day, making good progress.

So last night it was raining. I love it when it rains. I love snuggling up to my husband and feeling safe and warm and content. I left my husband in the lounge at around 10 (in Harry's world) and traipsed off to bed. After not being able to sleep for a few minutes (being a little cold without husband), I returned to the lounge to get an extra blanket.

"Are you cold?" he asked (sympathetically)
"I don't have a husband to keep me warm." I said (a little too sulkily and guilt-inducing)***
I fell asleep shortly afterwards, slightly resenting the empty, husbandless bed (and Harry for keeping us apart) and only woke up at 2:30 when my husband finally slipped into bed. He had finished the whole book, couldn't put it down.


Why can't I have my cake AND eat it...?

*I think he did it mainly it shut me up.
**Just in time to watch the 5th movie!
***Really nasty now that I think about it...


LT said...

That's funny, I've been there!! haha, my hubby got me into Harry, he pulled the same coaxing etc you did....
And then I was sailing through them.

All for the greater good!!!

St John's/Bethlehem said...

Hehehe. Yip, all for the greater good :-)

SheBee said...

JK Rowling has an uncanny nack for getting us to not stop reading. That woman is a legend!

St John's/Bethlehem said...

An absolute LEGEND Shebee, I cannot argue with that.

SheBee said...

Thanks for the link back to your site, Gnome, I just noticed it reading through your older posts!

ANd also: I've just heard that JK is doing 4 other HP novels, do you know anything about it?

St John's/Bethlehem said...

You mean, the link to your blog? Pleasure :-) I think your blog is great! People should make a turn there :-) The only thing I've heard about JK Rowling is that she has been working on a spy novel. Haven't heard anything about more HP novels. Where did you hear that Shebee? Would be cool :-)