Friday, 03 August 2007

I'm back (for today anyway)

WOAH! What a week! It's been really hectic here. People have even been saying to me:
"You guys must be really busy because you haven't blogged in a while..."

Even though it's been so tiring at work, it is rather nice to have a forced blogging holiday once in a while. It allows for you to clear your mind, to come up with fresh ideas, and allow life to just happen to you for a little while. There is a sort of pressure involved in blogging - long after it's become a habit, it becomes somewhat of a necessity. You have people counting on you now! But luckily during these days I have realised that it doesn't feel that bad not to blog for a day or two. It's even somewhat... freeing. It's like when I realised that I could actually stand the feeling of hunger, and that I didn't need to eat all the time (this might sound weird to some, but I think I once had a "fear" - if I can call it that - of feeling hungry).

I realised this past week how important friends are to me. Even though (if I had to classify myself) I would put myself more into the "introvert" category, I am by no means a loner. The last six weeks have been university holidays, and the absence of friends and acquaintances was really beginning to take its toll on me. It surprised me how much an evening with friends can perk me up.

This post seems a little... disjointed. Probably cause I have so many thoughts in my head about what's happened in the past week and am now trying to fit it all into one post.


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