Friday, 29 June 2007

Never been kissed

SIGH. I just love romantic comedies. We were watching "Never been kissed" last night. My husband soon traipsed off to bed, but I couldn't help watching til the end, even though I've probably seen this movie 4 times already. I know, I know: love is exaggerated and usually portrayed as all moonlight and roses in the movies, but it still warms my heart and makes me feel all fuzzy. I'm probably just falling for all of the Hollywood tricks, but when they finally get together in the end and kiss and everyone cheers... SIGH. Before I met my husband I was rather disillusioned with love. I was convinced that butterflies, warm fuzzy feelings and unreal movie-like kisses were a fabrication. Imagine my ecstasy when I started to feel all these things when I met my husband. Now when I watch a romantic comedy I can turn off the TV, waltz into the bedroom and get my very own unreal movie-like kiss :-)


LT said...

cute movie!!

you need to watch Fever Pitch!!

St John's/Bethlehem said...

Hehe. Watched it, loved it :-)