Friday, 15 June 2007


It's Father's Day on Sunday. Don't think my dad really thinks that much of these days (Valentine's Day, Father's Day etc) in the first place, but would like to post something about him anyway.

Remember how, as a teenager you used to be so embarrassed of your parents. I don't think I was all that bad, but did sometimes think my parents were a little out-dated and weird (funnily enough my dad always seemed rather thrilled to be labelled weird). But luckily when you get older you begin to appreciate your parents more and more, and you realise that, no matter how badly you wanted them to change when you were younger, they are who they are, and you really start to love them for it.

My husband says I become all tom-boyish when I go home to visit my folks. He says I turn into a daddy's girl. I denied it at first, but after some introspection realised that he was right. No matter how old I am, no matter if I'm married or even when (if?) we have children, I will always have a special connection with my dad. He makes me laugh; in times of crisis he is often the voice of reason; and I just think he's the coolest dad in the world (I fondly think back to our wedding where he was on the dance floor with all us young people, getting down with it).

Dad, I love you very much, appreciate you and think you're so cool. Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

LT said...

I always thought your Dad was cool!!!!