Friday, 22 June 2007

Milestones and birthdays

So I finally reached 1000 page views! I'm quite stoked. Always wonder who in the world actually stumbles onto my blog, and what they think...
I'm in a funny mood today. A bit all over the place with my thoughts and at work. (Could be the Sinucon I took this morning - it's got LOTS of caffeine in it...) Just when I think I have finished a task, a new one seems to pop up out of nowhere. Is actually quite refreshing since work has been so mind-numbingly boring lately.
Been thinking about birthday blunders I've made or received. Since it was Mrs M's birthday yesterday (hope you had a FAB day!) and it's LT's birthday today (Happy Birthday!), it's got me thinking about how I've forgotten people's birthday's (Sorry Mrs M...), how people have forgotten mine (Mrs M... :-)), and how I've wished people on the wrong day (once a whole month too early). Inevitably someone will phone me 2 days before my birthday and after singing a whole chorus of a hymn I just don't have the heart to say it's not my birthday. Somehow I've managed to give the exact same gift as someone else (always embarrassing when everyone's watching the person opening their gifts). But the worst was probably the time I gave a good friend a candle that someone had given to me as a gift. Unfortunately, the person who had given it to me had written a message to me on the gift wrapping, and it had made an imprint on the candle. Even though my friend was thoroughly amused I was incredibly embarrassed when she showed me the message, very clearly appearing on the side of the candle. I decided from then on never to regive a gift ever again.

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