Tuesday, 04 September 2007

Your front row

My colleague handed me a print-out of a story she had once received. It was lying on my desk for a while until I picked it up out of boredom and read.

This is, in a nutshell, what it said:

If your life were happening in a theatre, your life playing out on the stage, who would be in your front row? Do you have people in your life that drain you, that are a negative influence on you? Sometimes you need to love people from a distance. Sometimes people need to be on the balcony of your theatre. You should have people in your front row that lift you up, that make you feel special, that support you, and that are a positive influence in your life.

Even though this is something that I think we generally know, it encouraged me to think anew of my friendships. What do I really get out of them? Are there people that I spend time with that just make me feel like I have nothing to offer them, and that they are doing me a favor by being friends with me? Are there people who I feel obliged to be friends with when, in actual fact, I get nothing in return? Are there people I am friends with out of convenience, where the friendship is actually empty and meaningless?

Even though I have done some pruning in past few years in terms of friends, I could still identify some friendships that are empty and actually pull me down.

The question is, will I ever have the courage to end them, or would I rather have friendships that pull me down, than no friendships at all...?


The Divine Miss M said...

See I decided to stop making an effort with people who weren't with me.

If you don't try I don't try and this motto is doing very well.


St John's/Bethlehem said...

Thanks Divine Miss M. I'm actually going to try that :-)

LT said...

She's right,

people fizzle out when they really just don't care....

I on the other hand am stuck to you like glue missy, it took me forever to get your darn info!!!!

St John's/Bethlehem said...

That's cool LT - you're not one those that I am referring to!! :-)

Unknown said...

*Paranoia sets in*


Are we over?

St John's/Bethlehem said...

Hehehe. No Mrs M. You have NOTHING to worry about!!! In fact, I wish I could spend way more time with you!

SheBee said...

This post really got me thinking, Gnome. You have a few valid points.

Goodluck with your answer.


St John's/Bethlehem said...

Thanks SheBee.

Anonymous said...

If someone always steals your joy and brings none of their own...cut them out.

If you think they might come right in future, then don't tell them they've been cut and just avoid them - this way you can always change your mind later. ;-)