Thursday, 06 September 2007

4 things

- Did you know that Luciano Pavarotti died today? I just read it on yahoo. He had pancreatic cancer. Not that I'm a big opera fan, but he was a pretty big star. Feel a little tinge of sadness.

- Facebook is driving me up the freakin' wall. For the past 3 days it has been so slow that it takes over 40 minutes to load, and then it doesn't load everything. Arg. Not that I'm addicted to it, but a friend that I met in England (and haven't seen in 6 years) is down in SA for a few days (in Durbs!) and we're trying to make plans to meet. But we're making these plans on Facebook. Now I can't get on and have had to ask a friend to go online for me and read her msg and respond for me. So frustrating and irritating.

- For once I am upset that Eskom got their act together quickly. PMB had a major power outage today. We got to a dark office this morning - no phones, no computers, no lights, no photocopying. We were informed that the power could be out until after midday. We were busy colluding with our manager on taking turns to go home, making plans to duck work at 1, when the printer gave an ominous beep, and we all watched in dismay as the green light on the computer screen flickered on...

- As hard as I try, I just cannot resist biscuits. Trying to ne healthy this week (salads and all that), but damn. At Young Adults last night, the biscuits were calling out my name longingly, and I had no less than 5 biscuits. I have a serious biscuit weakness.


Unknown said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh, I remember last year when the power used to cut out here. MAN, I wished I could go home then!

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me! Was so annoying when I woke up and there was no electricity, good thing it wasn't winter so not too dark. When I got to work, couldn't do any work so was so looking forward to going home and catching up on my studies but at 930 sharp there was a sudden burst of life and we had to start work. Was also thinking this morning, while having nothing to do, that it was so ironic that we had a guy at our house last night that works for Eskom!!

St John's/Bethlehem said...

Haha! You're so right B, was also thinking about the Eskom bloke!!