Saturday, 22 September 2007

No games, just sports

I really hate being so emotionally invested in something as trivial as a bunch of men hitting a ball around a field and running between sticks. As much as we complain about this country and all that is wrong with it, I just can't seem to detach myself from supporting our team. It's like a family member. Even though they sometimes irritate the living daylights out of you and even hurt you at times, you just can't help loving them. As much as you try, you will never be able to stop feeling something for them.

How depressing was the cricket on Thursday night. We were all so psyched up for this game. Nobody really believed that we wouldn't get through to the semis - we were the only unbeaten side in the tournament. But, as only South Africa can do in the crunch games (and we do it SO well), we messed this one up ROYALLY. And now we are out of the tournament.

Right now SA cricket is like the uncle that nobody talks about.

I'm switching to rugby.

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