Thursday, 06 September 2007


*Gnome picks up phone and dials number of customer desperate for book. Phone rings a few times then is picked up but no one speaks*

Gnome: Hello?

Customer: I can't talk right now.

Gnome: Um. OK.

Customer: I can't talk right now I am in the middle of a meeting.

Gnome: OK.

Customer: Phone me at 12:30.

Gnome: Right.

*Gnome puts phone down rather irritated. If you're in a meeting and can't talk, surely you'll put your phone OFF?!?*


The Divine Miss M said...

Or at least just cut the call off. Stupid tossers. I get that way too often.

And the best thing is the length of time it takes them to tell you that they can't talk and when to call back you could have actually alreadyh told them what you needed too.


St John's/Bethlehem said...

I know DMM. I just needed to tell him his book had arrived. I could have said it 3 times in the amount of time he spent telling me he can't talk. Haven't phoned him since. Revenge. :-)