Friday, 25 May 2007

Totally uninspired

I remember speaking to Mrs M before I started blogging. Being a seasoned blogger herself, Mrs M abated my fears about not encountering happenings every single day that would be worth blogging about, and she ensured me that there will never be a shortage of inspiration around me. Up to now, she has been right. For every day, I seem to find something interesting in the world around me to blog about.

Until now.

I have to admit, Mrs M, your job is a lot more interesting than mine, and your life seems a little more tumultuous at the moment than mine has ever been. I don't even (thankfully) have dogs dying in my street.

But nonetheless I have managed up to now to keep my readers interested, even evoking some positive comments from some of them. Which, mind you, seems to put a little more pressure on me to write something interesting or funny or controversial or unique.

I've always had backup plans in my head. Something that comes to me while we're jogging, or while I'm lying in bed. If something marvellous doesn't strike me on a certain day, I have backup plans A, B and C ready (my dad taught me to always have a backup - after I learnt the hard way). But somehow they just all seem so flat today. I mean, who wants to know about how one should behave in a movie (based on our irritating experience in the movies the other day - filled with people laughing at inappropriate times, rustling with their packets and unashamedly using their cell phones) or about my plans for the weekend or about how joggers and cyclists seem to belong to some elite brother/sisterhood? Somehow these ideas have never reached full maturity. They are still rather half-baked. They have potential, I admit, but it seems there's some crucial ingredient missing.

Friends suggested I should write about the interesting place we stay at (which I will definitely do some time), but I just can't seem to formulate something concrete and inspiring in my head right now.


And as I sit back and read what I've just written, I realise that I have actually managed to write something about, well, actually nothing at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blogger's block does come.
But it goes too, my dear...
Plus, the beauty of this one was exactly that! you wrote a whole post about writing a whole post.