Monday, 21 May 2007


During a lengthy Sunday afternoon stroll, my husband and I watched as a taxi drove away from the side of the road. We both stared at a white elderly man sitting in the front. Why were we so surprised? Why is it so weird seeing a white person travelling in a taxi? (So much for integration and all that...) We seem to think that no average white person would ever get into a taxi willingly. The only whites that would ever use this mode of transport must either be tourists or bloody mad (according to us anyway).

I suppose it's because of all the bad things we hear about taxi violence. Or maybe we just don't fancy cramming into a taxi with 15 other people. Or could it be the incessant pulse of the insanely loud music that is so characteristic of taxis. Or (most probably) it's their notorious reputation for being terribly drivers, and their apparent total ignorance of all traffic laws.

I've had a taxi experience before, believe it or not. It was my last option, otherwise I would have missed a very important varsity psych test. I gingerly stepped into the taxi - squashed between a number of hefty women (one of them my friend who was accompanying me). Despite the music overpowering all chance of conversation, the ride was pretty pleasant! There were no nasty traffic incidents, or any threat of violence. Just a bunch of normal people trying to get to where they needed to be. Even struck up a conversation (during quieter parts of the music) with a guy from the Technikon, who was rather amused with my excitement at this novelty.

Ah. Perceptions can be so damaging...

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