Friday, 09 November 2007

Happy birthday, Sister

No matter how much I was bossed around; no matter how many arguments we had; no matter how many angry words we screamed at each other; no matter how far away we are from each other at any point in time; there is no denying that there is a bond between my sister and I that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

With so many reasons to wear masks around friends and even family, it is a bit of an oasis to let my hair down with my sister. When you have lived in the same house with the same parents, growing up in similar environments, you develop a whole pallet of memories that are untouchable. Memories of good times, bad times... Just one word can sometimes jog a memory and have us both in stitches. Even though we are quite different, we understand each other. We understand our past.

This is such a priceless relationship for me, and perhaps I don't say this enough to you, dear sister. I love you so much. Happy birthday.

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