Monday, 26 November 2007

A Christmas Story

For the first time since Primary School I got to dress up as an angel for a Nativity play at church*. I’ve always been an angel. I was never one of the lucky ones that got to be an important character like Mary or even a shepherd. I think it was cause I was shy. The shy people always get to be angels. Nevertheless, I got to wear little wings and sing Christmas carols. It was great. Until “Away in a Manger”. The piano sounded the little introduction, I took a big breath and started.

“Away in a manager, no crib for a bed…”

I only realised too late that nobody was actually singing. Except me! The camel that was standing in front of me turned around so abruptly, and stared at me as if I had just committed an unforgivable sin.

“Stop singing!” He hissed.

My voice died in my throat and I tried to curb the heat rising in my cheeks. The piano started again and I tentatively sang – trying to blend in with the rest. By the time "The First Noel" came along I felt less embarrassed, and started to hope that perhaps people hadn't really noticed. It was finally during "Good Christians Men Rejoice" that I was over it. I sang the last song, "Joy to the World" with much gusto.

Maybe next time they'll let me be a shepherd.

*Since there were a lot of carols that needed to be sung, we were roped in to help the kids with the singing.

1 comment:

LT said...

What a mean camel
sheesh :-p