Wednesday, 09 May 2007

We're for dogs

Since we're on the subject of pets, I want to talk a little about dogs.

We never had dogs as kids. My mother maintained it was a nusance to have them because there was no-one to look after them when we were on holiday, and she feared that she would end up having to pick up the poo and feed them and wash them etc (which most likely would have been the case).

I remember my gran counting (and complaining about) the number of dogs she'd see on the beach - despite the numerous NO DOGS ALLOWED signs.

The only canine exposure I received in childhood was at the homes of our relatives who all, without fail, owned a daschund or two. As I think upon it now it seems rather bizarre that they chose this very breed. Daschunds are yappers through and through. Yappy and irritating. But cute nonetheless. They gleefully peed on you to show their appreciation that you'd arrived.

When I was younger still my mother got a nasty bite from a German Shepherd, while dropping one of our kindergarten colleagues at their house.

The boerbull belonging to my landlord nearly mauled a friend of mine who was picking me up for the weekend when I was a student. Her children didn't stop harrassing me about how dangerous "MY" dog was, and how "MY" dog had bitten their mother.

Other than that I have been pretty indifferent to canines and their antics.

Until I met my husband. My husband loves dogs more than he does people. He says they are uncomplicated and they just love you back; they accept you for who you are. I see his point. Frequently he will reminisce about dogs they had, and fondly recall the nuances in their unique personalities, and how they became part of the family.

This strong, brave, hunk of a man that's my husband literally melts when he sees a dog. I watch with overwhelming affection as he becomes a delighted, sensitive little boy, his face lit up as he engrosses himself in the moment with this dog.

Despite my numerous unpleasant encounters with the canine kind, I am for dogs. Not because I am particularly mad about them, but because I am particularly mad about my husband.

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