Wednesday, 02 January 2008

New beginnings

People love the idea of new beginnings. Of having a clean slate. Starting afresh. Forgetting the bad that happened in the past. The new year is a perfect time for this. Fresh starts and new years resolutions. I'm not really into that though. New years resolutions never last anyway. If you wanna make a change, why wait for a new year?

My husband says that, despite the wedding, 2007 is a year he'd rather forget. Maybe I wouldn't be saying this if my life was a little more challenging than it is*, but even a terrible year has some good times. 2007 was tough, but at the same time it was our first year of marriage, and we experienced many times where we were really blessed in terms of finances, friends and fun. Yeah, yeah. I'm the glass full kinda person.

It often frustrates me when others don't seem to share this attitude of mine. I'm not talking about serious suffering like death and emotional trauma. I'm talking about life. With all its ups and downs. Negative people really get me down. I just can't stand it when someone complains about everything. Money, prices, crime, sport blah blah. After a few days I find myself doing the same! Complaining about people in the traffic or goodness knows what. That's just not like me. I end up angry at myself for succumbing to the negativity. It sometimes is just such a force that I can't seem to fight against.

Funny, my family was never one to complain at all really. Most of the time my parents would try to see the positive things in the situation. I seriously appreciate that now, yet can't seem to deal with negative people very well. Plus, when the person being negative has been through a great deal of suffering can you really tell them where to climb off? I mean, they're obviously negative for a good reason! It makes me feel even worse actually - like I'm expecting them to just get over it and be positive.

The war in my mind.

So this year is one of exciting new things. Firstly I started studying again. Secondly our good friends are going to have a baby girl! And we will be moving away from this sleepy hollow TOWN (it just can't even be called a city). Plus my husband will officially start working.

*I mean, who doesn't have issues, but I'm much better off than some other people in the world.

PS. I thought a new background would be nice for a new year...


LT said...

Glad to hear your year seems to have many new things coming up.

Sounds like you guys are going to have a full plate.

It's good to know there are some good things happening in this year.

Negativity isn't always a good thing, but it is so hard to be positive when you know that your current situation still has almost half a year before it will even consider changing and what lies after that is very bleak indeed.

I really wish I had your half full mentality... Wish you could mail me some :)

Louisa said...

Hey Gnome!
I hope that 2008 will be a brilliant year for you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love your new background gnome.
Very calming!