Thursday, 23 August 2007


I learnt something today. Actually it's more that I uncovered something inside that I already knew.

Sometimes it's not wise to look too far into the future. I know we're all about planning ahead, and saving for the future and all that, but at some point in your life it is profitable to do something for now. For the short-term. To do something that will benefit you in the next 2 years, not to look out for the next 20.

This revelation has been so freeing for me today. Suddenly the pressure to decide on what I want to do "for the rest of my life" is lifted. It's OK to not be sure of my career path right now. I can be content with where I am at the moment, without feeling bad that "I am destined for bigger things".

Life suddenly seems so much simpler and rather uncomplicated.

Hope this feeling lasts.

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