Friday, 03 August 2007

Close call

So I had a close call with the colleague in question (the one I always complain about). I was busy trying to formulate a fax and was having trouble with the wording. So the colleague in question said:
"Well, if you have trouble with it, then no-one can help you."
(I took that as a compliment for my writing skills but was a little worried... How does he know how I write...?)
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well, you forget. I have read your..." (He hesitates.)
(I panic!! He's read my blog! Oh crap. He knows exactly what I say about him! GULP)
"...Your weekly minutes for our meetings."


(Note to self: STOP writing about irritating colleague in case he one day stumbles onto my blog)


LT said...

thanks that actually made me smile :)

I needed that

Anonymous said...

If that's the way you feel then don;t apologise for it! Maybe it would do him good to know you think he's a slacker? ;-)

It would probably be more politically correct if you told him to his face first?

Unknown said...

I think maybe he has read your blog and just didn't say it.

St John's/Bethlehem said...

I know I should probably say something, Louisa, but hate conflict situations! Ooh no. Can't even bear to think about it. Plus shouldn't the manager do it or something...?? :-)
You really think he's read it Mrs M? CRAP...
Glad I made you smile LT :-)