Thursday, 20 September 2007

Washing Day

Once in a while disaster strikes at our place of residence. There are 2 washing machines that have to serve the needs of all the people staying there. They don't really live up to their promise of royal speediness (being Speed Queens and all), but they are adequate. At least when both of them are in working order.

Saturdays are a nightmare. Regardless of what time you want to do your washing, there will always be some bright spark with their sunlight soap and washing basket that is gleefully loading up both machines, having arrived only seconds earlier. Alternatively you will be greeted by the familiar swishing noise of water and a big red shining light: In use. I would love to just refuse to get up at an unearthly hour on a Saturday morning, but when you run out of clean panties, what's a girl to do...

We get around these little dilemmas by doing the washing on weekdays. My husband doesn't have lectures on Tuesdays, so these have been deemed official "Washing Day". In the past few weeks, however, my husband has been pretty busy, so the washing has been piling up. He has managed to do a load here and there, but it never really made a dent in the growing mound that is our washing. Things were getting desperate (I had to start wearing emergency underwear - those with worn out elastic - and socks that have exceeded their expiry date).

And now one of the machines is out of order.

There was just nothing for it. I would have to get up at the crack of dawn* to avoid any physical harm brought about by "Dirty Washing Pile-up Syndrome". I've heard it gets quite severe. Rashes and that sort of thing. Nasty.

How lovely and crisp the air was this morning. I got 2 loads done before work without any hiccups. Never mind that I am falling asleep at my desk, and making really stupid mistakes at work today.

All is fair in love and washing.

*Our wonderful friends did offer us the use of their (private) washing machine, and we are definitely going to do the rest of our Everistic pile of washing there tonight. Thanks guys :-)


LT said...

I remember those days, I ma so happy we have an apartment now that has a laundry room in it!!

I hated having to share a washer and dryer with people!!

Anonymous said...

The best investment I ever made was to get a washing machine. It beats having to get your clothes back from the laundromat in two sizes smaller and half the original colour!