Monday, 16 July 2007

The little things

After having lunch every day, my husband and I usually have a lie down for a few minutes until I have to go back to work. This afternoon as I lay down, I came across a piece of paper that had been stashed under my pillow. Curiously I removed it. In big black letters my husband had written "I love you so much my angel", and all around in red he had written little words from "our" language, and words and phrases that warmed my heart. And as I looked at his familiar and handsome face, I felt close to tears, and I just couldn't help feeling incredibly lucky. I have the best man in the world. It's these little things that make our marriage extraordinary.


LT said...

wow my tooth hurts.


Unknown said...

why does your tooth hurt, lt?

LT said...

because it's so sweet!!!

and you call yourself a writer!! shame on you... I say SHAME!!


St John's/Bethlehem said...

LOL. Thanks LT... :-)

Unknown said...

haai jinne...
I never said I was a writer. I don't write books! And I've never heard the tooth one, I think I've become too cynical what with the JOURNALISTIC career I have...besides, didn't you say your tooth hurt last week? Or was that your eye.
bah, anyway...good for mr. Gnome, Gnome..that really is precious.

LT said...

as I get older everything falls apart and hurts... so just stay tuned!!


Anonymous said...

The little things are sometimes the most special and the nice thing is that its a unique personal thing!