Real time
So my mini holiday is temporarily over. And I'm rather disappointed to be back at work today. I've been having so much fun with my relatives (mom, sister & aunt) - despite the fact that we all have to squash into our little flat (I had to eat my apple really quietly this morning* - all rooms were occupied with sleeping people - I nearly ended up eating it in the bath).
It just seems like time goes so terribly fast when you don't want it to. And now when I want it to speed up it is really going very slowly. It's probably doing it on purpose to spite me. In the two days I took off work we did some really cool things, had some wonderful laughs (especially when we ended up having our cheese and wine picnic in our car - our very small car), and have just spent some quality time together.
I'm feeling a little anxious today. I think it is because they will be leaving again soon. And I am stuck at work with little to do. Wasting the valuable time I could be spending with them on Facebook or some other unworthy cause. Not that I can't survive without them, but more because I have been looking forward to this week for so long, and now it is flying by uncontrolled. A huge anti-climax is looming on the not so distant horizon. I feel there's so much more I want to speak about, so much more time I would like to spend with my sister, talking sisterly stuff, or with my mom talking momly stuff, or my aunt, speaking auntly stuff.
But I guess this is what it's like nowadays. I mean, who really still lives in the same place as their close relatives? We are scattered all over the globe. Thanks to Skype, Facebook, Gmail and other friends we can manage to stay in contact much better than before; even feel as if our loved ones are much closer than they really are. And those precious moments that we can spend together in the flesh should be cherished and celebrated and just enjoyed.
*Luckily paw paw and bananas can be quietly consumed - so I did this in bed next to my sleeping husband.