Even though this might surprise some that know me, I have never really been the reading type. I'm not like my mother who sometimes reads 2 or 3 books at once, or like a friend who has to have a book to read at all times. When we were younger I wasn't classified as the reading type like my sister, but more the loud, fat one. Both those attributes are (thankfully) not applicable anymore [not that there's anything wrong with being fat or loud, I just resent the labelling].
I have, however, had brief affairs with the printed word over the years. It was Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley and Secret Seven when I was younger. I was always fascinated by mysteries and thus would read Colin Dexter from time to time. For a few weeks in Grade 10 I discovered John Grisham and read about 5 novels in as many weeks (an achievement for me!). There was a bit of a drought after that, mostly due to school commitments. But it was Harry Potter that brought me back to the world of readers, if only for a brief time. After the Lord of the Rings movies, I tried my hand at the books (without much success), and Dan Brown captivated me for a few weeks.
But overall I have been in a bit of a slumber in the reading realm. More like a deep-sleep-winter-hibernation kind of absence. It's not that I don't think reading is important or even enjoyable; I guess it's just about time, priorities and overcoming that initial hurdle of picking up a book.
Since I have been working, especially now when work is quiet, there is only so much to do, and only so much time I can spend blogging, surfing the net and facebooking before I go insane and get square eyes. This has given me the opportunity to come out of hiding and hibernation and re-enter the world of the book. And what a ride! It started out with a book my sister gave me, "Captivating" (brilliant!), continued with the 6th Harry Potter book, and was followed by the 5th (which I have read before, but forgotten nearly everything). Then I ventured to those books that have been in my bookshelf for far too long and I have always wanted to read but "never got the chance"; and currently I'm slowly sifting through those that are simply there and I have never noticed before.
I hope this time the "reading summer" will last a little longer than those before...